• Ref. Code: WS09

  • Chair: JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA consortium

  • Duration: 3h

  • Organization: JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA consortium

Europe and Africa have to jointly promote a hydrogen transition to boost sustainable economic development and a decarbonization of their economic sector. African green hydrogen transition could boost local economies development, that’s why it’s important that both EU and AU hydrogen policies and development roadmaps have to be conceived in a cross-fertilizing way.

In this training workshop key hydrogen actors from Africa and Europe will dialogue to understand space of collaboration and development for mutual benefit for promotion of a green hydrogen based economy. Technologies, infrastructure, modelling approaches, socio economic implications and scenarios for global trade of hydrogen with a focus on AU-EU collaborations.
The event will be divided in two phases: one more frontal with panels among speakers and panel discussion and one dedicated to working group for a work-team where attendees can test their capabilities in some “design thinking actions” to setup “Hydrogen hubs” in Africa.
  • Sharing of Africa/Europe opportunities for green hydrogen promotion and promote joint initiatives and collaborations (also at R&D and training level)
  • Collection of ideas/insights for project activities from the attendees
  • Promotion of team works to study how to setup Hydrogen Hubs in Africa and collect new ideas via design-thinking sessions

JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA consortium – just-green-afrh2ica.eu

JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA consortium is the organizer of this workshop. JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA is a Horizon Europe project promoting Africa and Europe cooperation. In the framework of recent RE-POWER EU PLAN Europe is indeed looking for international collaborations for Importing Green H2. In this sense, also considering geographical proximity and existing energy infrastructure between the continents, Africa is one of the best candidate. Furthermore Africa has a unique potential to exploit low cost renewable energy to produce green hydrogen for domestic and external markets. Green Hydrogen could become indeed the booster of a sustainable development of the continent, enabling African countries to reduce their environmental impact as well as to make them less dependent to fossil fuels which can create geopolitical issues too. African green hydrogen development could be helpful for European hydrogen transition, that’s why it’s important that both EU and AU hydrogen policies and development roadmaps are conceived in a cross-fertilizing way. Furthermore the project is promoting training and capacity building activities: this workshop will be in the framework of such actions.