• Ref. Code: WS18

  • Chair: Frans van den Akker and Eugene Zaaijer

  • Duration: 2h

  • Organization: Royal HaskoningDHV & Hogeschool Utrecht

Experience the strength of networks in solving needs and demands on multiple themes
outside and inside the main theme of cooperation.

  • Build on your skills to be effective in cooperation with colleagues and peer professionals.
  • Experience how to be effective in expressing your needs, talents and propositions inspired by examples in nature and IT technology.
  • Experience how to evaluate value propositions on their effective communication approaches.
  • Experience the power of connections on a personal level within the professional arena.

The workshop aims at everybody active in a cooperation activity, either as participant or assomeone that is responsible for the cooperation. Theoretical knowledge of cooperation processes is not required. The topic arises from learning networks for energy education, but it is broader applicable to all cooperations in which diverse teams work together.

In this workshop you will focus on:

  • Stressing the shift to learning in exposure with professionals outside and inside the own organization.
  • Focus on methods to identify the needs of all stakeholders in a team.
  • Investigate and visualize dependencies in the team.
  • Experience the strength of a network and the power of communicating your needs and offerings.
  • Experience social mapping tools
  • Experience with identification approachesto facilitate matchmaking.
  • Experience how to effectively communicate your proposition.
  • Experience how to create transparency and align on topics and goals as important success factors for working in networks.

Frans van den Akker
Frans van den Akker (RHDHV, Topsector Energy Netherlands) holds a prominent position as a senior innovation intermediar and consultant in Sustainability, Energy, and Industry. He operates at the confluence of policy, innovation, and education ecosystems. Frans has initiated many innovation and education public private partnerships and has authored multiple roadmaps on innovation and sustainability. He has an extensive network that spans across government, industry, and knowledge institutions in the world ofsustainability and innovation. Furthermore, Frans actively participatesin several European projects, leveraging his expertise to foster regional connections and community development.

Eugene Zaaijer
Eugene Zaaijer is Program Leader for innovation workshops for the Center of Expertise Smart Sustainable Cities (University of Applied
Sciences, Utrecht) and daily engaged in designing, managing and facilitating complex innovation processes focused on sustainable and
healthy cities. His extensive experience as an architect, as facilitator and developer of creative processes, such as Design Thinking and as
coach in transforming hidden personal talents into useful professional skills came together in this role.Eugene teaches masterclasses on Urban and Area Development and is facilitator for co-creation challenges.

Royal HaskoningDHV, Hogeschool Utrecht.