• Ref. Code: WS16

  • Chair: Andreas Wolf

  • Duration: 1,5h

  • Organization: Vela Solaris AG (Winterthur, Switzerland)

Many universities worldwide offer Master degree courses in renewable energy systems. As English has become the generally accepted language in a globalized world, courses being taught in English are attended by students coming from all over the world. Although we live in a globalized world and the international Master degree is a product representing it, not necessarily there are valid global energy solutions. The aim of the proposed workshop is to shed light on the technical challenges of these Master courses and find solutions which suit teachers and students alike.

Many universities worldwide offer Master degree courses in renewable energy systems at various levels. As English has become the generally accepted language in a globalized world, courses being taught in English are attended by students coming from all over the world, with very different academic, social and cultural backgrounds. The apparently simple solution of proposing a course in a widely accepted language hides problems caused by the same program for very different students. International students do not face only common challenges such as language barriers, culture shock, homesickness, difficulties in making friends and adapting to a different lifestyle, but they might also lack basic knowledge in renewable energies from their home countries to be able to follow the lectures efficiently and on the other side they might find the taught contents not adequate for the environment they will return to after the end of the course. Students might find the studied topics not applicable in real life. Although we live in a globalized world and the international Master degree is a product representing it, not necessarily there are valid global energy solutions. Many scholars have carried out extensive studies concerning the social and personal difficulties of international students, but little research has been done regarding the technical aspects. The aim of the proposed workshop is to shed light on these challenges and find solutions which suit teachers and students alike, ensuring a satisfactory teaching experience as well as a successful learning achievement and an overall fruitful course for both sides.

00.00-00.10: Presentation of the attendees
00.10-00.20: General introduction of the topic
00.20-00.30: Brainstorming together with the attendees: collection of challenges due to personal experiences of the workshop participants
00.30-00.40: Presentation of the results of the survey among international Master degree students
00.40-01.10: Proposal of solutions and short demonstrations such as multilingual software, gamification, artificial intelligence, automatic translation, exercises for students to mingle etc.
01.10-01.20: Open discussion about solutions
01.20-01.30: Summary and conclusions

Andreas Wolf
The workshop organizer Andreas Wolf from the company Vela Solaris AG based in Winterthur (Switzerland) has got more than 20 years of experience in teaching and know-how transfer in different languages, cultures and countries. He has been coordinator of international projects in Egypt (SOLEDA 2012-2016) and China (RETAC (Renewable Energy Training and Certificate) 2015-2017).

Vela Solaris AG (Winterthur, Switzerland) and various universities

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The organizer intends to publish an extended abstract of the findings of the workshop.