• Ref. Code: WS13

  • Chair: Barbara van Ginneken, Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke, Dirk de Wit and Miriam Korstanje

  • Duration: 2h

  • Organization: The projectpartners of the AIRinVET project (ISSO, BHH, Katapult network and CoP of the Erasmus+ CoVE)

Research learning to enhance innovation in cooperation with SME, industries and vocation training facilitators is a crucial way for the sustainable and digital transformation in all areas of the society. One of the outcomes of the AIRinVET Project (https://airinvet.eu) is a mapping of applied research activities in vocational education and Training. The workshop will show and discuss approaches as well as results of the AIRinVET Project and give best practice from Germany and The Netherlands on how to design cooperative curricula and research learning programs with the private sector for a successful implementation of sustainable energy education.

The AIRinVET project aims to drive European economic competitiveness and support the green and digital transition through the promotion of applied innovation and research (AIR) in vocational education and training (VET) for SMEs and industry. In the project tools and good practices for promoting and implementing applied research in VET are being developed. Research is not only the field of expertise of universities anymore. Applied Research in VET plays an important role to get innovations necessary for the green and digital transitions implemented in SME’s, For the VET Centres Applied Research results in professionalizing the staff, improving the educational curriculum and providing students with company challenges. Regional SMEs get access to state of the art applied knowledge and facilities in their field of work and access to skilled talent. In this workshop we will share the experiences, findings and newly developed tools from the AIRinVET project. We will present two good practices from Germany and The Netherlands where applied research has contributed to the energy transition of SME’s and also to the knowledge dissemination towards the energy education curriculum and the region. We would like to invite the participants of our workshop to start working with the developed tools to set-up Applied Research in VET for SME’s and include their experience. One of the outcomes of the AIRinVET Project (https://airnvet.eu) is a mapping of applied research activities in vocational education and Training. The results will help us to improve the tools further.

To present to the participants what Applied Research in VET is and how to link to the energy transition in SME’s and in education
To present tools developed in AIRinVET for working together with SME’s in Applied Research
To present two good practices from AIRinVET in the Energy sector where applied research is linked to the energy transition and learnings are included in the curriculum
Collect input and feedback from the participants to further develop the AIRinVET tools

Brief agenda:
The different models for implementing applied research in VET will be presented including examples of the cases studies from AIRinVET. Tools have been developed for (starting) applied research in VET as a service towards SME’s and for dessimination towards students and society. The added value for both SME’s and VET schools will be highlighted and the social and economic impact for the region. Two good practises will be presented from Germany and The Netherlands. The participants will be invited to add their experiences in a workshop setting.

Barbara van Ginneken
Barbara van Ginneken is an international Project Manager at the Katapult network.
Barbara holds a master’s degree in psychology. She has worked on many projects in a wide variety of fields, mainly focussing on group processes, inclusion, diversity and sustainability. Barbara has been teaching at Radboud University (Nijmegen, NL) and is an experienced qualitative researcher. Currently, Barbara is involved in two EU projects: one concerning Applied and Innovative research within Vocational Education and Training (AIRinVET) and one concerning recruitment for Green Vocational Education and Training (GREENVEU), as an international project manager for Katapult (NL). In those projects she combines her passion for sustainability, education and research.

Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke
Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke is Professor of Applied Computer Science at the Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg UAS since August 2021. From 2005 to 2021, he taught and researched at the Institute for Technical Education and University Didactics at the Hamburg University of Technology in the field of teacher training for vocational schools specializing in media technology and electrical engineering/information technology. In 2014, he completed his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) with the thesis “Quality of vocational standards”. He graduated in 2004 with the first state examination for the teaching profession at vocational schools in the fields of wood and plastics technology and computer science, and completed his vocational training as a cabinetmaker with distinction in 1999.
In the years following his doctorate, Mr. Klaffke led many research projects in the field of digitalization and vocational education and wrote numerous publications in this area. His work focuses on advancing digitalization and informatization in various areas while always keeping an eye on vocational education and training.

Dirk de Wit
Dirk de Wit is project coordinator at ISSO, the knowledge institute for building and installation. He has over 8 years’ experience as a researcher and advisor in innovation, organisation, knowledge and knowledge infrastructure and upskilling, all related to the building and installation sector. He performs his work based on his dual field education: he has a bachelor’s degree in operational engineering and in sociology, the latter followed by a master on labour, organization, and management. He is the author of the Praktijkboek Technisch Innoveren (Technical Innovation Practice Book) – published by ISSO – and was project leader of the H2020 BUSLeague project on skills for the energy transition (concluded in February 2023). Besides his work at ISSO he works as an independent advisor and researcher on the same topics.

Miriam Korstanje
Miriam Korstanje is program manager at the Katapult network. Miriam is experienced in the development of public private partnerships including models for governance and financing. She has worked across many sectors and is specialized in working in the triple helix for both education and innovation. She has supported the development of the Dutch Public Private partnerships since 2013.

The workshop will be promoted by the projectpartners of the AIRinVET project (ISSO, BHH, Katapult network and CoP of the Erasmus+ CoVE’s