• Ref. Code: WS11

  • Chair: Gregorio Blanco Sáez and Anabelle Moriceau

  • Duration: 3h

  • Organization: Centro de Formación Profesional XABEC & Smart Energy Systems Campus

In Europe, the shift towards sustainable energy faces a chagenge: a shortage of skilled technicians. Studies show a need for maintenance and operational experts, with around 1.5 million individuals requiring training yearly. For this reasson, a workshop, building upon the Erasmus+ GreenTech project (2022-2024) focusing on renewable energy training, seeks to exchange insights and best practices.

Core discussions revolve around improving training attractivity understanding industry demands, evaluating current and future training schemes, and spreading practical courses. The workshop aims to promote collaboration on regional, national, and international levels to tackle Europe’s technician deficit and achieve carbon neutrality and energy transition.

To implement the European objectives of carbon neutrality and energy transition, the need for manpower is considerable. However, studies highlight that the technicians, especially related to maintenance and operation, are already very difficult to find. It is estimated that about 1.5 million highly skilled people must be trained every year in Europe. The workshop will take as its starting point the Erasmus+ GreenTech project (2022-2024). The objectives of the GreenTech project is to create, test, and disseminate a training program relating to the energy transition value chain: renewable energy production, network management, storage, uses, recycling. Based on this example, and on the background of the participants, the workshop aims to share experiences and highlight good practices to address this challenge for Europe: attracting and training technicians for the energy transition.

The following items will be addressed in particular:

  • Attractiveness of training and professions
  • Identification of current and future business needs
  • The current and future training offer on a European scale
  • Experimentation and dissemination of theoretical and practical courses on a European scale

The workshop aims at sharing regional, national, and transnational visions. The purpose is to highlight relevant lessons and identify collaboration possibilities on a European scale.

Ice breaker (10 min)

  • Round table: presentation and expectations of each participant (20 min)
  • Context and objectives of the workshop (15 min)
  • Inspiration: The GreenTech project (15 min)
  • Group work (1 hour)

Each group focuses on 1 or 2 of the following subjects (depending on the number of attendants), and identifies gaps/challenges/needs, shares experience and best practices, brainstorms, gather collaboration ideas:

  • Attractiveness of training and professions
  • Identification of current and future business needs
  • The current and future training offer on a European scale
  • Experimentation and dissemination of theoretical and practical courses on a European scale

Break (10mins)

  • Group feedback (20 min)
  • Summary and avenues for future collaboration (20 min)
  • Perspective: COVE Forum in Lyon (France) 10-12/09/24 (10 min)

Principal Assistant and International Coordinator at Centro de Formación Profesional XABEC:
Gregorio Blanco studied Business Administration at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Additionally, he holds a Master’s degree in Educational Institution Management. Since 2017, he has served as the head of the international.

Director at Smart Energy Systems Campus
After an engineering degree, Anabelle Moriceau began her career in industry, in the United States and in France (aeronautics and micro-electronics). Afterwards, she worked for 15 years in local administrations, in the sector of energy distribution, renewable energy production and sustainable mobility. Since 2022, she is director of the Smart Energy Systems Campus in Grenoble, France.